Office Information & Policies
Office Hours
Our Office is open Monday – Thursday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm
Office phones are answered 8:00 am – 4:30 pm: Please leave a message and we will return your call promptly the following business day.
Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Please arrive on time. If you are over 15 minutes late your appointment will be rescheduled.
New Patients
NEW PATIENTS must have the new patients forms filled out upon arrival or the appointment will be rescheduled (these are available under FORMS)
Please bring with you to your first appointment all medications in their original containers (bottles) that you are currently taking for your pain (all your pain medications).
We will need the Name, Address and phone number of the pharmacy you use.
Office notes from referring physicians must be received at clinic prior to appointment date.
Please bring copy of report for any MRIs, X-Rays, EMGs or any other tests which you have had and would be beneficial input into your pain management.
You MUST have all insurance cards and a picture ID (i.e. drivers license) with you on your first appointment.
If your insurance company requires a prior authorization/referral (i.e. BCN, HMO, workers comp., auto insurance) you must have your referral with you at time of appointment. You may have your physician’s office fax it to University Pain Clinic prior to your appointment at 313.833.8477.
All patients seen at University Pain Clinic need to sign and adhere to an Opioid Medication Agreement (to see full Opioid Medication Agreement go to section Forms and click on the bullet Opioid Medication Agreement).
After Hours Emergencies for Pain Patients
Please go to the nearest emergency room for emergencies after hours
Prescription Medications
The clinic will not call in pain medication prescriptions
Requests for narcotics that were lost or stolen must be accompanied with a police report
If you feel you need a change in medication, all prescribed medication in their original containers must be brought into the office at the time of your appointment.
Our office does not bill for services rendered at University Pain Clinic. Please contact Coronis health customer service at 1-800-222-1442 with any questions or concerns.
Cancellation Policy for Pain Patients
Your appointment is important to us and to your health. If you miss an appointment, you may delay the treatment you need. You may also have to wait longer than you would like for a new appointment date. We do not want to keep you waiting, but our healthcare providers are heavily booked and may not be able to reschedule you immediately.
Because of the number of patients waiting for appointments at University Pain Clinic, it is very important that you keep each appointment. If you must change your appointment, in consideration for others who are waiting to be seen here, please call us at least 24 hours in advance to cancel the appointment. You may leave a voice message.
Initial and Follow-up Office Visits
We understand that appointments need to be rescheduled on occasion and require a 24 hours advanced notice. Continued missed appointments interfere with your continued pain management and noncompliance may result in being discharged from the clinic.
University Pain Clinic is affiliated with:
Karmanos Cancer Center
The Detroit Medical Center